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Percona Product Download Instructions

Select the software

Do the following steps to select the software:

  1. Open Percona Software Downloads
  2. Locate the Percona Software, for example, Percona Server for MySQL
  3. In Select Product, select the which product, for example, Percona Server 8.4
  4. In Select Product Version, select the version, for example, PERCONA-SERVER-8.4.3-3
  5. In Select Software, select the operating system, for example, DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 12.0 (“BOOKWORM”).

The easiest method is to download all packages.

The Package Download Options may mix AMD64 and ARM64 packages. Select the correct CPU architecture for your system.

Download to a local computer

In Package Download Options, select a specific package or select the DOWNLOAD ALL PACKAGES button.

The selected packages are downloaded to the local computer.

Download to another computer

In Package Download Options, select a specific package or select the DOWNLOAD ALL PACKAGES button, and hover your cursor over the DOWNLOAD arrow. Right-click and in the drop-down menu, select Copy Link.

Paste the link in your terminal to download the selected package.