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Run Percona Server for MySQL

Percona Server for MySQL stores the data files in /var/lib/mysql/ by default. The configuration file used to manage Percona Server for MySQL is the /etc/my.cnf.

The following commands start, provide the server status, stop the server, and restart the server.


The RHEL distributions and derivatives come with systemd as the default system and service manager so you can invoke all of the commands with sytemctl instead of service. Currently, both options are supported.

  1. Percona Server for MySQL is not started automatically on the RHEL distributions and derivatives after installation. Start the server with the following command:

    $ sudo service mysql start
  2. Review the service status with the following command:

    $ sudo service mysql status
  3. Stop the service with the following command:

    $ sudo service mysql stop
  4. Restart the service with the following command:

    $ sudo service mysql restart

SELinux and security considerations

For information on working with SELinux, see Working with SELinux.

The RHEL 8 distributions and derivatives have added system-wide cryptographic policies component. This component allows the configuration of cryptographic subsystems.