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Thread pool

Thread pooling can improve performance and scalability for MySQL databases. This technique reuses a fixed number of threads to handle multiple client connections and execute statements. It reduces the overhead of creating and destroying threads and avoids the contention and context switching that can occur when there are too many threads.

If you have fewer than 20,000 connections, using the thread pool does not provide significant benefits. It’s better to keep thread pooling disabled and use the default method.

The default method, called one-thread-per-connection, creates a new thread for each client that connects to the MySQL server. This thread manages all queries and responses for that connection until it’s closed. This approach works well for a moderate number of connections, but it can become inefficient as the number of connections increases.

MySQL supports thread pooling through the thread pool plugin, which replaces the default one-thread-per-connection model. When a statement arrives, the thread group either begins executing it immediately or queues it for later execution in a round-robin fashion. The high-priority queue consists of several thread groups, each managing client connections. Each thread group has a listener thread that listens for incoming statements from the connections assigned to the group. The thread pool exposes several system variables that can be used to configure its operation, such as thread_pool_size, thread_pool_algorithm, thread_pool_stall_limit, and others.

The thread pool plugin consists of several thread groups, each of which manages a set of client connections. As connections are established, the thread pool assigns them to thread groups using the round-robin method. This method assigns threads fairly and efficiently. Here’s how it works:

  1. The thread pool starts with a set number of thread groups.

  2. When a new task arrives, the pool needs to assign it to a group.

  3. It does this by going through the groups in order, one by one.

  4. Let’s say you have four thread groups. The assignment would work like this:

  5. Task 1 goes to Group 1
  6. Task 2 goes to Group 2
  7. Task 3 goes to Group 3
  8. Task 4 goes to Group 4
  9. Task 5 goes back to Group 1

  10. This pattern continues, always moving to the next group and starting over when it reaches the end.

  11. Each group handles its assigned tasks using its available threads.

This round-robin approach spreads work evenly across all groups. It prevents any single group from getting overloaded while others sit idle. This method helps maintain balanced performance across the system.

MySQL executes statements using one thread per client connection. When the number of connections increases past a specific point, performance degrades. This feature introduces a dynamic thread pool, which enables the server to maintain top performance even with a large number of client connections. The server decreases the number of threads using the thread pool and reduces the context switching and hot lock contentions. The thread pool is most effective with OLTP workloads (relatively short CPU-bound queries).

Set the thread pool variable thread_handling to pool-of-threads by adding the following line to my.cnf:


Although the default values for the thread pool should provide good performance, additional tuning should be performed with the dynamic system variables. The goal is to minimize the number of open transactions on the server. Short-running transactions commit faster and deallocate server resources and locks.

Due to the following differences, this implementation is not compatible with upstream:

  • Built into the server, upstream implements the thread pool as a plugin

  • Does not minimize the number of concurrent transactions

Priority Queue:

A queue that assigns a priority to each data element and processes them according to their priority. The data element with the highest priority is served first, regardless of its order in the queue. A priority queue can be implemented using an array, a linked list, a heap, or a binary search tree. It can also be ascending or descending, meaning that the highest priority is either the smallest or the largest value.

Priority connection scheduling

The thread pool limits the number of concurrently running queries. The number of open transactions may remain high. Connections with already-started transactions are added to the end of the queue. A high number of open transactions has implications for the currently running queries. The thread_pool_high_prio_tickets variable controls the high-priority queue policy and assigns tickets to each new connection.

The thread pool adds the connection to the high-priority queue and decrements the ticket if the connection has the following attributes:

  • Has an open transaction

  • Has a non-zero number of high-priority tickets

Otherwise, the variable adds the connection to the low-priority queue with the initial value.

Each time, the thread pool checks the high-priority queue for the next connection. When the high-priority queue is empty, the thread pool picks connections from the low-priority queue. The default behavior is to put events from already started transactions into the high-priority queue.

If the value equals 0, all connections are put into the low-priority queue. If the value exceeds zero, each connection could be put into a high-priority queue.

The thread_pool_high_prio_mode variable prioritizes all statements for a connection or assigns connections to the low-priority queue. To implement this new thread_pool_high_prio_mode variable

Low-priority queue throttling

One case that can limit thread pool performance and even lead to deadlocks under high concurrency is when thread groups are oversubscribed due to active threads reaching the oversubscribe limit. Still, all/most worker threads are waiting on locks currently held by a transaction from another connection that is not currently in the thread pool.

In this case, the oversubscribe limit does not account for those threads in the pool that marked themselves inactive. As a result, the number of threads (both active and waiting) in the pool grows until it hits the thread_pool_max_threads value. If the connection executing the transaction holding the lock has managed to enter the thread pool by then, we get a large (depending on the thread_pool_max_threads value) number of concurrently running threads and, thus, suboptimal performance. Otherwise, we get a deadlock as no more threads can be created to process those transaction(s) and release the lock(s).

Such situations are prevented by throttling the low-priority queue when the total number of worker threads (both active and waiting ones) reaches the oversubscribe limit. If there are too many worker threads, do not start new transactions; create new threads until queued events from the already-started transactions are processed.

Handling long network waits

Specific workloads (large result sets, BLOBs, slow clients) can wait longer on network I/O (socket reads and writes). Whenever the server waits, this should be communicated to the thread pool so it can start a new query by either waking a waiting thread or sometimes creating a new one.

System variables


Option Description
Command-line Yes
Config file Yes
Scope Global
Dynamic No
Data type String
Default one-thread-per-connection

This variable defines how the server handles threads for connections from the client.

Values Description
one-thread-per-connection One thread handles all requests for a connection
pool-of-threads A thread pool handles requests for all connections
no-threads A single thread for all connections for debugging mode


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global
Dynamic: Yes
Data type: Numeric
Default value: 60 (seconds)

This variable can limit the time an idle thread should wait before exiting.


This variable provides more fine-grained control over high-priority scheduling globally or per connection.

The following values are allowed:

  • transactions (the default). In this mode, only statements from already started transactions may go into the high-priority queue depending on the number of high-priority tickets currently available in a connection (see thread_pool_high_prio_tickets).

  • statements. In this mode, all individual statements go into the high-priority queue, regardless of the transactional state and the number of available high-priority tickets. Use this value to prioritize AUTOCOMMIT transactions or other statements, such as administrative ones. Setting this value globally essentially disables high-priority scheduling. All connections use the high-priority queue.

  • none. This mode disables the priority queue for a connection. Certain types of connections, such as monitoring, are insensitive to execution latency and do not allocate the server resources that would impact the performance of other connections. These types of connections do not require high-priority scheduling. Setting this value globally essentially disables high-priority scheduling. All connections use the low-priority queue.


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global, Session
Dynamic: Yes
Data type: Numeric
Default value: 4294967295

This variable controls the high-priority queue policy. Assigns the selected number of tickets to each new connection to enter the high-priority queue. Setting this variable to 0 disables the high-priority queue.


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global
Dynamic: Yes
Data type: Numeric
Default value: 100000

This variable can limit the maximum number of threads in the pool. When the limit is reached, the server does not create new threads.


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global
Dynamic: Yes
Data type: Numeric
Default value: 3

Determines the number of threads run simultaneously. A value lower than 3 could cause sleep and wake-up actions.


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global
Dynamic: Yes
Data type: Numeric
Default value: Number of processors

Defines the number of threads that can use the CPU simultaneously.


Option Description
Command-line: Yes
Config file: Yes
Scope: Global
Dynamic: No
Data type: Numeric
Default value: 500 (ms)

Defines the number of milliseconds before a running thread is considered stalled. When this limit is reached, the thread pool will wake up or create another thread. This variable prevents a long-running query from monopolizing the pool.

Status variables


Option Description
Scope: Global
Data type: Numeric

This status variable shows the number of idle threads in the pool.


Option Description
Scope: Global
Data type: Numeric

This status variable shows the number of threads in the pool.